Theoloog, arts, ere-voorzitter Passiespelen

Column Beurskens: Media

Sometimes I have late office hours. Those are for people who work during the day and I myself like to work irregularly, one day more, one day less. So it happens that Jet walks in unannounced and asks for some medicine for her bones. She heard about it an

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Column Beurskens: Pilgrims

Once I had a patient who had breast cancer from her fortieth year on. Already after the first operations spreading of the disease occurred. Those were the signs she wouldn’t get old. She saw that herself and she stood for the decision whether to tak

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Column Beurskens: Joy

The old convent sister Laetitia comes in to ask whether she can go to her family again this summer. She still loves life and she looks forward to the trip, but being 93 years of age there are doubts whether she is still fit enough to travel. I play a role in the fight with…

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Column Beurskens: Dieting and fasting

One of my obese patients hops into my office once again. ‘I heard that there are new slimming pills!’ She is of the -what one of my old teachers irreverently called- teacosy-model. Every half year she comes with new ideas to diet, because every half year

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