In de Persoonlijke stukken waarin Wim zich van zijn meest kwetsbare kant laat zien, verhaalt over zijn eigen leven en herinneringen uiteengerafeld worden. Ze gaan over zijn familie in het hier en nu, waar zowel verdriet als geluk nooit ver zijn. Waar dood en leven zich manifesteren in dat onnavolgbare samenspel, soms heel direct in toespraken bij dierbare overledenen.

Thema's: familiegeloofislamkatholicismekerkkritiekop reispassiespelenpoezietheologietijdschriftinspiratie

Column Beurskens: Carnaval 2008

Het raadsel van het station is voor mij de handelswaar, die er uitgestald ligt. De allerduurste parfums, leren tassen, kleren. Alle topmerken. De zaak zou aan de Champs Elysées tot de betere behoren. Horloges van duizenden euro’s. Vitrines vol. Wat ik

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Column Beurskens: No answer

A malignant tumor of his gall bladder turned out to be the cause. The operation brought some temporary relief. He and his wife had kept up hope until the end, but nevertheless that had come now, seemingly brought about by an implacably and fatally ticking

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Column Beurskens: Pilgrims

Once I had a patient who had breast cancer from her fortieth year on. Already after the first operations spreading of the disease occurred. Those were the signs she wouldn’t get old. She saw that herself and she stood for the decision whether to tak

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Column Beurskens: Apocalypse now

De afbraak van mijn geliefde kerk heeft zeker een symbolische betekenis. Het is één kerksluiting in de rij van vele in Limburg en in de hele Westerse wereld. Men hoeft niet al te veel genoegen te scheppen in de onheilsprofetie om hier apocalyptische vis

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Column Beurskens: The middle way

A young convent-sister comes into my office. She has a severe pain in her back. On the X-ray no abnormalities are seen. Physiotherapy doesn’t help. Strong pain-killers have no effect. They don’t alleviate even a little. At night she doesn’t sleep and ofte

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Column Beurskens: Lampshades

The procession of the Holy Sacrament moves slowly along the fields of Asselt, a little village at the banks of the river Meuse in the province of Limburg in the Netherlands. The church of the village has as its patron saint Saint Dionysius. The priest had just told the mass-servants to put on the bright-red…

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Column: The nadir of reality

In the mountains above Elounta is situated an old Greek-orthodox monastery. It lies lonely and hidden between rugged and rocky mountains, covered in dry, yellow grass. The wind that always whistles between the mountain tops cannot

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